Body of Evidence is now closed

I know I should have written this post some days ago but I´ve been busy with the new hunt that is coming up 1 February.

Until further notice there will be no more Body of Evidence sales room editions in the next months. I am preparing some other event with the same name. :)

Until there, have fun hunting with us ;)


1000L Contest not accepting more photos

Ok, we have 4 contestants and we will not accept nobody else because now it is time to vote.
The limit time to vote is until tomorrow 4pm SLT and at that time I will reveal the winner.
Here are all the 4 contestants:

1- Sheirah

2- Elise Mellison

3- AzulTurqueza

4- Grazibelle

Good lucky everybody!

Body of Evidence - 1000L Contest

Sheirah just sent me this beautiful photo. Do you want to win 1000L? You still have time. Read the rules and join in :)

Event almost ending...

Sunday, 24 January is the last day of the sales room.

If you didn´t visited it yet you are still on time. Find out all the amazing exclusive creations designers have there for you. And everything is under 75L. Also there are some cool gifts in there for you .

Hurry up, or you´ll miss all those goodies.

Happy Shopping!

Body of Evidence 1000L Photo Contest

Yes, I know the event is almost ending but there is plenty of time to a photo contest :)

For that, all you have to do is create a look with our designers exclusive creations for the event and send me your best photo wearing them (fullperm please, so I can publish them on this blog). Only one photo per avatar will be accepted. Photo should be named: BoE - {Your Name}. Remember, your look should be created with the exclusive items, not the gifts.

Also you will have to add the group Gardenia Events to stay in touch with all the information about the contest.

To avoid cheating, we will ask our designers to vote on the one they like most. The winner will be announced  on 27 January (after the end of the event).

Will look forward to see what you can create and your skills as a photographer ;)

Visit the Body of Evidence HERE!